Q1. What is Create 360 Degree?

Create 360 Degree is like a stop motion animation but in a digital format. It's a series of images that, when viewed together, make it seem like you're rotating around an object. It's interactive, so you can click on hotspots within the images for more information. These hotspots might show details when you hover over them, or take you to other links or images when clicked. In summary, it's like building an interactive map where you can create and explore 360-degree views.

Q2. How many 360s you can create?

If you make a 360-degree view without an account, it will be deleted after 90 minutes. But if you have an account, your 360s will stay forever. With a new account, you get 3 free slots for 360s. After that, you need to pay 1 rupee for each extra 360 you want to create. So, if you want to add 10 more 360s, you pay 10 rupees. Remember, these payments can't be refunded.

Q3. Is my information secure when I create an account on this website?

Yes, your information is secure. When you create an account, we ask for your full name and email address. Your password is protected using secure methods to prevent unauthorized access. We take the security and privacy of your information very seriously and have multiple measures in place to safeguard it.

For added security and convenience, you can also log in or register using your Google account. This eliminates the need to create a separate password for our website, potentially increasing your account security.

Here's why using Google login might be a good option:

  • Stronger Security: Google accounts benefit from Google's advanced security features, including two-factor authentication, which can significantly reduce the risk of unauthorized access.
  • Convenience: You can log in with a single click without remembering a separate password for our website.

We recommend considering Google login if security and convenience are important to you.

Q4. What image formats can I upload?

A: You can upload images in the following formats:

  • .JPEG (.jpg or .jpeg)
  • .PNG (.png)

Q5. Are there any restrictions on PNG images?

A: Yes, for PNG images, we recommend uploading them in square or rectangular shapes. Cropped or irregular shaped PNGs might not display optimally.

Q6. What is the recommended image orientation?

A: While not mandatory, landscape images (wider than tall) tend to display better on our platform. However, you can upload portrait images (taller than wide) if necessary.

Additional Tips

Here are some additional tips for uploading images:

  • Ensure your image file size is not too large, as this can affect loading times.
  • Choose an image with good resolution for clear display.
  • Consider the overall composition of your image and how it will fit within the website layout.